Ads We Wish We Wrote

The People behind Our Brew are communications experts.

They have maneuvered cars into your garages, grocery items into your cupboards and refrigerators, burgers and beer onto your dining tables, desires into your dreams, and airplane tickets into your breast pockets. They have prospered local and global corporations for decades, helped you in choosing your leaders, presidents included. These are senior folks -- mentors in the trade of advertising, public relations, crisis management, perception management.

They like to doff their hats when they see a good advertisement.

Embrace Life of Sussex Safer Roads

We're starting a series of tributes; these are advertisements, be they on legacy or social media, that are high on our list of Ads We Wish We Wrote.

This is a personal favorite which I tend to recirculate every time I see it roll down my Facebook screen. It needs no words, no reliance on reason, no major utilization of computer graphics, and – did I say it already? – no words.

It banks on 'Heartsell'.

The spot has "scooped a wide range of awards, including YouTube Ad of the Year, a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award, Gold World Medal, New York International Advertising Awards; a Bronze Lion at the Cannes International Advertising Awards", among others, so says the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership.

So for our first amongst firsts: The Embrace Life campaign of Sussex Safer Roads./VRP