I am the Chest of All Men

by Vincent R. Pozon

I wrote this around 1973. I lost it, but rediscovered it in 2007 when I was moving out of an office. I was still using PowerPoint at that time, so I thought I'd turn it into a slideshow and exported it into a movie.

So words, voice and art are mine. The music isn't.

Music is Blackberry Vigil by Tom Fahy. freemusicarchive.org/music/Tom_Fahy/

I am the chest of all men,
Concave to the rushes of their gray days;
I know the guilts and grief of their women,
What hides in the shoots of their fat dreams,
Staged in the hollows of their pillows.

I beat the breasts of all men,
Drink then rue the body of time spent
I see their dance of sinews:
there at the seams of the night,
shivering shadows,
skin abrupting skin.

I am the chest of all men,
I flex the biceps of yellowed ambitions,
caress the paintings and books
that live only in their swaggering hearts and plans.
I am the chest of all men.