, February 12, 2025
They are five guys and a lady, and friends, posting views and insights and considered opinions on governance, media, arts, music, poetry, or any topic they would talk and argue about over wine, San Miguel, sisig, and peanuts. Their posts may enlighten, intoxicate, give cheer, be of value to you.
They have, roughly, a collective experience of more than two centuries.
All have deep advertising experience. They have maneuvered cars into your garages, grocery items into your cupboards and refrigerators, burgers and beer onto your dining tables, desires into your dreams, and airplane tickets into your breast pockets. They have prospered local and global corporations for decades, assisted you in choosing your leaders, presidents included. These are senior folks. You can't peg them to disciplines (creative, account management, media planning, production, television, radio broadcasting or management) because, well, they've done them all. But each one brings to the group singular proficiency in various aspects or specializations.
They have worked for government, for trade unions, for commerce, candidates and causes. Between them, there are 14 books with two in various stages of conceptualization or production.
They have decades owning, running radio stations, half a decade managing and providing content for a television station.
A particular strength is the depth of experience in news gathering and writing, public relations, crisis management, and perception management.
Our Brew is their first offering in the digital and social platforms.
They hope you like what they deliver to your screens, hopefully enough to follow, subscribe, tag, and share the articles.