, July 27, 2024

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  July 18, 2024

Elevation, Colour – and the American Flag. Here’s What Makes Evan Vucci’s Trump Photograph So Powerful

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania was captured by several photographers who were standing at the stage before the shooting commenced...

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  July 16, 2024

How to Switch Commuters from Four Wheels to Two

If you spend much time on the streets of Marikina, you’ll notice something that’s not very common in other parts of the Indo-Pacific — people riding bicycles. The city has built more than 50km of bikeways....

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  July 02, 2024

We're Still Safe: AI Can't Understand How the Body Works

When AI gets confused: Here, gymnastics is just a flurry of limbs and rotating body parts that inexplicably disappear....

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  July 01, 2024

Making Art is a Uniquely Human Act, and One That Provides a Wellspring of Health Benefits

When you think about the word “art,” what comes to mind? A child’s artwork pinned to the fridge? A favorite artist whose work always inspires? Abstract art that is hard to understand?...

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  June 19, 2024

An Homage to the Dad Joke, One of the Great Traditions of Fatherhood

The popularity of the term speaks to its resonance. But why do so many dads embrace this form of corny joke telling?...

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  April 29, 2024

When Dementia Strikes a Beloved Writer

García Márquez’s writing style changed as well, according to neuropsychologist Katya Rascovsky at the University of Pennsylvania, His new novel is simpler: shorter sentences, less complex words, and more word repetitions....

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