, July 25, 2024

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What We Think

  92 posts

  July 17, 2024

For his Third SONA, the President needs to be a Salesman. Can he pull it off?

The SONA speech must give his supporters reason to believe again, to continue buying in instead of opting out...

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  June 29, 2024

Arms and Loins: The Human Toll of Our Greatest 'Assets'

It seems the unintended consequence of our crumbling education system could be a nation less equipped to leave and less appealing to the wrong kind of visitor....

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  June 26, 2024

A Power Move or Classic Duterte Misdirection?

Elections are usually dismissed by cynics as circuses. But this is Barnum & Bailey via Star City bonkers...

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  June 25, 2024

Imagine If Government Actually Listened to the People

This is not a survey; this is the voice of the people. Let's call it Vox Populi Representation. And as a body truly representative of the people, it must have the respect of the congress, its opinion must be accorded a proper listening....

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  June 24, 2024

So Sara Quits the Cabinet. But Where’s the Narrative?

Oddly, the Vice President’s supporters and detractors share one sentiment: it’s about time. No one was surprised. They all wondered why it took so long....

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  June 17, 2024

Clout of Content: He Who is Seen, Heard and Understood Wins

In a country where television is still watched and listened to, we might as well commission it for the good of the country, giving the good out there a chance to be seen and heard and considered....

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