, July 27, 2024

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  November 18, 2022

Penny — The Wish

A mother's astonishing answer to the question "What do you want for Christmas?"....

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  August 14, 2022

Preventing Accidents without Being Offensive

An ad agency can only be as creative, as daring as the client will allow it to be. When a government entity allows good work, you know the people involved are braver than the usual passionless bureaucrats....

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  January 28, 2022

Coca-Cola: The Magic Inside the Vending Machine

We have all seen the cartoons where they have a man inside a vending machine doing what’s required....

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  September 14, 2021


WARNING: This article will have you sniveling and bawling alternately....

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  May 10, 2021

The Old Reverse Psychology Trick Worked: "Don't Vote!"

"The country belongs to whoever shows up. And do you know who shows up for every election? Old people."...

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  April 25, 2021

San Miguel Beer "Isang Platitong Mani"

"Ay, ang sarap ng buhay ng director noong panahon na yon," Jun Urbano mused....

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