, July 27, 2024

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  34 posts

It's all about the Pandemic and more: what's best to eat and avoid, aging, mental health. These are stories of how we are managing it. Surviving it.

  July 25, 2024

Slowed Speech May Indicate Cognitive Decline More Accurately Than Forgetting Words

A recent study suggests that it’s the speed of speech, rather than the difficulty in finding words that is a more accurate indicator of brain health in older adults....

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  July 11, 2024

What I Learned From Counselling People Who Were Suicidal

Callers knew that there was no magic cure at the other end of the line but they wanted someone who listened to understand them and support them in navigating the complex terrains they found themselves in....

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  June 13, 2024

What’s the Deal With Social Media and Youth Mental Health?

We can’t conclude that more time on social media equals worse mental health....

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  June 05, 2024

Forgetting Appointments, Deadlines and That Call to Mom − the Phenomenon of Prospective Memory and How to Improve Yours

Have you ever walked into a room and then wondered why you went there?...

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  April 17, 2024

If You’ve Got a Dark Roof, You’re Spending Almost $700 Extra a Year to Keep Your House Cool

Filipinos are fond of green rooftops. "We don’t have to swelter. It’s a choice. Light roofs, light roads and better tree cover would make a real difference."...

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  April 01, 2024

Study Suggests 14 Existing Drugs Increase Human Lifespan

14 drugs appeared to positively influence lifespan. The researchers controlled for major factors known to influence lifespan: current smoking status, cancer diagnosis, diabetes, gender, and age at recruitment....

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