, July 27, 2024

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  July 27, 2024

The Mind and Heart of Marne Kilates in Poetry

"We go places but we never leave." — Marne Kilates...

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  July 23, 2024

Marne L. Kilates, Poet, Copywriter

Our dear friend and fellow Brewer Marne died last Saturday, and left a hole in our heart. That hole will take a long time to close....

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  May 27, 2024

When Your Country’s Leaders Are Hostile to the Press

Having weathered two decades of the highs and lows that come with investigating the powerful, Alconada Mon has some suggestions for reporters on dealing with government hostility, staying safe, and making sure your stories are heard....

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  April 05, 2024

Feeding Bodies, Nourishing Souls

“Some people see me as a very political figure. But when it comes to food, let’s not be partisan. Everyone can join, everyone eats, everyone feels hunger. Food should unite us all.”...

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  March 23, 2024

Ambivalence Over AI: We Are All Prometheus Now

The future is too often held captive by extremists, who are either riddled with fear of — or overly excited by — ideas of apocalypse and radical change. The future also, however, reminds us of our responsibilities to new generations inheriting the world we have made....

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  March 01, 2024

Egai Talusan Fernandez: Resistance in Quiet Dignity

Egai’s body of work, especially from the years of dictatorship until the 1986 EDSA Revolution, bear the textures of the streets, the lushness of forests, and the colors of hope. They are bathed in the hues of country and flag....

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