, October 21, 2024

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Spin & Spots

  63 posts

The People behind Our Brew are experts in communications. They have -- combined -- roughly two hundred fifty years of experience, and while all have worked in advertising, each one brings to the group singular proficiency in various aspects or specializations. The media landscape may change, case studies may age, but the need to sell, convince, and propagate will always be there. Consider this as a compendium of insights. We hope the articles can guide the student of communications of all ages.

  August 18, 2024

How to Handle the Hydra That Is Social Media. Hire it

As Ulysses has learned, you can't handle the many-headed monster without help. Before you can circulate or subjucate, you must understand social media...

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  August 11, 2024

The Lifespan of Messages: News and Its Living, Breathing Nature

“Messages have form and feel, occupying space in the mind of the customer. They barge in, survive, and then die. The lifespan of messages can be augmented or truncated”...

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  March 06, 2024

New Study Looks at What Can Happen When Journalism and Comedy Intersect

“Comedy in this case should not be seen as a pejorative obstacle to ‘real’ journalism, but as an expansion of journalistic role performances more in tune with contemporary interpretations of journalisms in the plural."...

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  March 04, 2024

How to Identify and Investigate AI Audio Deepfakes, a Major 2024 Election Threat

Last year, an AI-synthesized impersonation of the voice of an opposition leader helped swing an election. Here are tips and advice on how to detect audio deep fakes...

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  January 24, 2024

Beyond the Basic Checklist: Uncommon Advice for Selecting an Ad Agency

When choosing an ad agency, opt for more than a fling; seek a committed partner who can champion your vision, a relationship that extends beyond mere transactions....

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  January 10, 2024

How I Taught Advertising and the Syllabus for It

"I wanted her to know that a copywriter who does not know the world of the masses, the daily grind, their dreams and aches, the smoothness of the handrails of a jeepney, is a copywriter with an incapacitating disability.”...

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