, July 27, 2024

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Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words

  July 17, 2024

Today’s Exactly100: Assassinations -- “It’s Not Who We Are, It’s Just What We Do”

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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  June 03, 2024

Today’s Exactly100: A Ceasefire for a Genocide, He Proposes

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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  May 02, 2024

Today's Exactly100: Inauthentic

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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  May 01, 2024

Today's Exactly100: The Lobby

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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  April 23, 2024

Today's Exactly100: Monster

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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  April 22, 2024

Today’s Exactly100: The Surest Way to Lose Weight and it has Nothing to Do with Diets or Exercise

Opinions, hot takes, unpopular truths in 100 words....

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