, July 25, 2024

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  June 28, 2021

Short of the Week

"The mother reaches for something that was apparently in her lap all the while. It is an envelope which she pushes over to the matron.'...

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  May 05, 2021

Short of the Week

"The girl reaches for something under the pillow, and gets off the bed. She is tentative, as if unsure of what she is about to do. She looks up at the tall man, straining her neck, and smiles weakly."...

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  April 25, 2021

Short of the Week

"One forklift is trudging towards them. The functionary meets the forklift and checks papers -- his and those attached to the crate the forklift has lowered to ground level. The reluctant mother collapses."...

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  April 15, 2021

Short of the Week

Crowd-sourced ideas for Short Films...

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