, July 25, 2024

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Joey Salgado

100 posts

  July 15, 2024

Edgar Mortiz Throws a Listening Party for Friends

For one afternoon, the celebrities were fans like us...

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  July 07, 2024

Does the President Still Want to Give Paul McCartney a Haircut?

The Beatles were heckled and beaten up. But it was not about the clash of generations or rockstar arrogance...

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  June 26, 2024

A Power Move or Classic Duterte Misdirection?

Elections are usually dismissed by cynics as circuses. But this is Barnum & Bailey via Star City bonkers...

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  June 24, 2024

So Sara Quits the Cabinet. But Where’s the Narrative?

Oddly, the Vice President’s supporters and detractors share one sentiment: it’s about time. No one was surprised. They all wondered why it took so long....

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  June 07, 2024

Joey Ayala’s Gawad ng Sining Award is Long Overdue

Ayala was the southern man’s voice, bleeding with sincerity, his lyrics resonant with the truths he held closely...

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  May 23, 2024

Pusong Mamon or Pusong Bato? Bato de la Rosa and the Politician as Ham Actor

Will De la Rosa’s investigation into the “PDEA Leaks” continue under Escudero’s leadership?...

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