, July 27, 2024

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Joey Salgado

100 posts

  May 17, 2024

From Laufey to Kapitan Kulam: Here’s Some Recent Must-haves on Vinyl

Listening to Blunt Instrument leaves one feeling bludgeoned and cut a thousand ways, the smell of gunpowder lingering in the air. Blunt Instrument is the sonic version of Patricia Evangelista’s Some People Need Killing channeled through a distortion pedal. (Terno Recordings)...

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  April 21, 2024

Raised on Radio

Radio was my gateway to music and soft culture, the subtle creep of youthful rebellion beyond the reach of government’s martial law propaganda machinery....

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  April 12, 2024

James Taylor in Manila: Songs of Comfort for Older but (Hopefully) Wiser Souls

The boomers and GenXers in the audience lived through and survived the turbulent 70s and 80s while dealing with their own turmoils and demons, the same turmoils and demons that James Taylor, especially in his early years, dealt with and sang about...

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  April 07, 2024

And So It Goes

Poverty and hunger have been constant afflictions, like death and taxes. They do not linger, for lingering implies a certain end...

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  April 06, 2024

Can the President Survive a Voters’ Revolt in 2025?

The sheen of restored family glory is now in danger of being tarnished by the perception that this government is aimless and adrift...

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  March 24, 2024

Taguig: Breaking Bad

Taken within the context of governance, the park’s closure exposes how a local government can abuse the regulatory powers granted by law to pursue a political end....

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