, July 26, 2024

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Vincent R. Pozon

115 posts

  June 29, 2024

Arms and Loins: The Human Toll of Our Greatest 'Assets'

It seems the unintended consequence of our crumbling education system could be a nation less equipped to leave and less appealing to the wrong kind of visitor....

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  June 25, 2024

Imagine If Government Actually Listened to the People

This is not a survey; this is the voice of the people. Let's call it Vox Populi Representation. And as a body truly representative of the people, it must have the respect of the congress, its opinion must be accorded a proper listening....

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  June 17, 2024

Clout of Content: He Who is Seen, Heard and Understood Wins

In a country where television is still watched and listened to, we might as well commission it for the good of the country, giving the good out there a chance to be seen and heard and considered....

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  May 05, 2024

The Demonization of Public Service

The good languish in virtual anonymity, and the effective and already proven government official ranks precariously low, easily overtaken or bumped off by names made memorable by media....

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  April 03, 2024

What is It About the Water in Government?

Corruption is like a dagger in the body that is the country, plunged to the hilt, then twisted viciously, and left embedded while we wait for the sloth that is our justice system....

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  March 18, 2024

Watching from a Coffee Table at the Mall

It's a pastime of senior people: observing individuals from afar and speculating about their stories, pondering the issues that weigh on their minds....

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