, February 12, 2025

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Netanyahu Whispers to His Hands at Night

  •   1 min read
Netanyahu Whispers to His Hands at Night

These are words and drawings borne of anger; we pray they anger.

All over Gaza, through all the years of conflict, you will notice one picture seen on all media: the father, disconsolate, carrying the bloodied body of his child, looking for succor.

Paintings, poem and fury by Vincent R. Pozon

Netanyahu Whispers to his Hands at Night

“What sort of man is this
scarfed with the red of a race
willing to be broadsword of his belief
to die as long as he takes
a few of my people with him
he is legion like roaches
in the recesses and walls
of the country I have taken from him
always ready to stain the air to take it back
I have rained my best bombs on him
and still he stands

“his children they scare me with their stare.”

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