, July 27, 2024

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Today's Exactly100: Game of Muggles

  •   1 min read
Today's Exactly100: Game of Muggles
RPN | Photo credit to the owner

The recent “prayer” rally in Davao City was much smaller than the Manila rally organized by the Marcos administration. It was also far from prayerful. The crowd was more passionate, lapping up all the cussing on stage courtesy of the Duterte patriarch. 

For some, the Davao rally was the launch of the Duterte-led opposition. What then of the “pink” movement? 

Two families, one throne. The swords have been unsheathed, banners unfurled, loyal armies ready to do battle. All we need are dragons. And more wizards? 

If the Marcoses represent the Lannisters and the Dutertes the Targanyens, are the “pinks”  Hufflepuff? /Joey Salgado

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