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‘Journalists Beware: ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Job,’ Warns Chatbot

  •   21 min reads
‘Journalists Beware: ChatGPT Is Coming for Your Job,’ Warns Chatbot
Zac Wolff/Unsplash

Many now fear being replaced by ChatGPT, with journalists at the top of the list. But how worried should we really be?

by Lauren Richards

We’ve all been there, whether it’s worrying too much about what other people think, not speaking up in a meeting when we have a good idea, or wishing we could muster the confidence to ask that person out for a drink; in one way or another, the fear of rejection holds all of us back from getting what we want at times.

However, in the fast-paced world we now live in, another fear epidemic seems to be emerging, one where, even once we’ve moved past the fear of being rebuffed and begin to feel accepted, our insecurities continue to bite at our heels and slow down our pace of progress.

Rather than rejection, this fear is that of replacement.

Recently, this worry has manifested itself in the spotlight as a fixation on professional redundancy. A feeling enormously exacerbated by the launch of OpenAI’s sophisticated AI chatbot, ChatGPT, which has engulfed the world in a wave of chaotic excitement in the few months since its release, and is now being widely accused of posing an existential threat to many professions.

ChatGPT is in fact the fastest-growing web app ever released, overtaking both Facebook and Google, and as the seemingly infinite scope of its capabilities continues to grow daily, the sun appears to be set on the current technological era.

As a result, many are now questioning whether they will still have professional value as the new AI dawn emerges on tomorrow’s horizon.

Those most concerned about being usurped by the in silico oracle are writers, techies, teachers, consultants, media workers, market researchers and analysts (the list goes on, but we’ll stop there for the sake of morale), and with ChatGPT poised for an upgrade, this list will surely only get longer.

But how much of this threat is realistic, and how much of it is just a symptom of the flawed human ego?

We asked ChatGPT to share with Impakter some reassuring words to comfort those who fear being replaced by AI:

“AI is a tool, not a threat. It can augment human capabilities, not replace them. Embrace the change and reskill to stay ahead in the job market. Together, humans and AI can achieve greater things,” says ChatGPT.

These words may intend to inspire comfort, however, if we’ve learnt nothing in the months since this friendly chatbot’s release, it’s that though ChatGPT’s responses may be compelling, they are not entirely reliable, and should always be considered with a critical eye and mind.

Also, the title for this article was suggested by ChatGPT itself, so there is clearly a degree of confliction going on in the chatbot’s artificially intelligent brain.

Therefore, we decided to put ChatGPT to the test, to see what the hype is all about, and if journalists just like us, wide across the globe, should actually be concerned about imminent redundancy, or if when it comes to writing, the je ne sais quoi of human prose cannot be replaced by silicon.

Let’s see just how much of a threat ChatGPT poses to human journalism. Gulp.

ChatGPT’s assignment

We’re at a critical stage in the climate race, and now is the time for all levels of society – be it at the individual, corporate, government or international scale – to step up and commit to the change.

Against this backdrop, and in an effort to increase transparency and accountability on the roles that big corporations are playing in the race to net zero, Impakter recently launched the Impakter Sustainability Index; a new rating tool that evaluates the sustainability and corporate social responsibility of a wide range of companies in different sectors through a socially responsible lens.

It’s a tool “Made by People, for the Planet” and aims to bring clarity to corporate sustainability efforts across and within individual industries.

In light of this, we thought it would be timely to ask ChatGPT to share some of its own recommendations for how businesses can better approach sustainability and support the green transition, so we asked the chatbot to write an article, just like we do, to summarise its suggestions in this area.

How did it go, was much input or editing required?

Much like when pitching any article idea to a writer, we provided ChatGPT with basic guidance on what the overarching message of the article should be, as well as the structure, style and main themes we wanted to see featured. We also provided a list of key points for the chatbot to take into consideration when formulating its response.

To give you an idea of how this pitching process went, coming up with a prompt that ChatGPT metabolised in a way that yielded content worthy of publication was not a 5-minute job.

There were many – MANY – prompts that came before the final version as we grappled with ChatGPT’s understanding of what kind of article we wanted to see.

However, after a few hours of figuring out how best to communicate with the AI chatbot, ChatGPT began producing content worth reading.

Once ChatGPT got into the flow, its ideas, insight and arguments were well-thought-out and well-written (as you will read in a moment); however, there were a few glitches where, on occasion, it would stop mid-sentence and required a helpful prompt to “continue writing the article.”

We needn’t be too critical here though, as we would also probably hit a bug in the mental code when scraping the entirety of the internet in mere milliseconds to churn out coherent, impactful prose.

Most of the time ChatGPT was able to pick up where it left off seamlessly, however, there were a few instances where it lost its place and ended up repeating itself, creating redundant sections of reworded text.

It’s also worth noting that even in the cases where ChatGPT didn’t stop and start, there was still a reasonable amount of overlap in its ideas. And “sustainability” was also mentioned too many times, which, as the main keyword, is great for SEO purposes, but potentially a bit exhausting for the reader.

Therefore, a fair bit of editorial judgement was required to avoid repetition and glue together a seamless article.

It must be mentioned, however, that there were absolutely no grammar edits required at all.

Similarly, by including a simple statement in the initial prompt for ChatGPT to write in a “chatty and conversational” style, no style edits were required during the editing process either.

In fact, ChatGPT’s style, flow and general ability to write for impact are extremely impressive, and in many ways overcomes the challenges faced in navigating the subtle nuances and potential miscommunications in human writing.

What’s more, when asked to edit its own text to convey a different overarching feeling, or to be targeted at a different demographic, ChatGPT was able to rework sections of the article with excellent editorial ability, changing tone and emphasising different aspects appropriately.

After completing all required sections of the article, we also asked ChatGPT to provide some short, catchy title suggestions for its article, many of which were pretty good. For example, “Green is the New Black: The Power of Corporate Sustainability” and “Be a Hero, Go Green: The Benefits of Corporate Sustainability.”

Alas, without further adieu, we present “Sustainability: The Future-Proof Business Strategy for 2023,” an article written entirely by ChatGPT, and we hope you enjoy it, if not even possibly get some good ideas out of it!

In the Photo: “A robot typing on a keyboard,” artwork created by OpenAI’s DALL.E 2. Featured Photo Credit: DALL.E 2/OpenAI

Please note that, although this article has been written entirely by ChatGPT, some minor editorial adjustments have been made to the text as part of Impakter’s standard editing process.

Sustainability: The Future-Proof Business Strategy for 2023

In recent years, the concept of sustainability has become increasingly important for businesses around the world. With the negative impact of human activities on the environment becoming more and more apparent, companies are realizing the crucial role they play in creating a better future for the planet.

With the global population projected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050 and the United Nations estimating that it will take 100 years to repair the damage already done to the planet, it is crucial that companies take action to reduce their environmental impact and support the green transition.

Therefore, as we head into the new year, it has never been more important for businesses around the world to make supporting sustainability, environmentalism and the green transition a core part of their operations and ethos.

The good news is that more and more businesses are starting to understand the importance of sustainability and are taking steps to make their operations more environmentally friendly. The world’s largest companies have already taken significant steps to support sustainability, and many have set ambitious goals and targets to reduce their environmental footprint.

For example, tech giant Apple has committed to being 100% carbon neutral by 2030, while Coca-Cola has pledged to use only renewable energy for all its operations by the same year.

Amazon has committed to being carbon neutral by 2040 and to using 100% renewable energy by 2025, Google has set a goal to reach 100% renewable energy for its operations, and Walmart has pledged to become powered by 100% renewable energy, generate zero waste and sell products that sustain people and the environment.

By committing to sustainability, companies can help mitigate the impact of human activities on the environment and contribute to a greener future. However, with so many different elements to consider, it can be difficult to know where to start.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help companies approach sustainability in 2023 and beyond.

Embedding Sustainability in the Core of Your Business

Embedding sustainability in the core of your business is not just about having a sustainability strategy. It requires a complete overhaul of the company’s operations, philosophy, and media and communication efforts to ensure that the company’s entire business model is based on sustainable principles.

For companies to effectively support sustainability, it is important to incorporate it into all aspects of their business.

The Importance of Incorporating Sustainability in Business Operations

A company’s operational activities are the backbone of its business and where most of the impacts on the environment and society occur; the way a company operates has a major impact on the environment, from the materials it uses, to the energy it consumes, and the waste it generates.

Sustainability should therefore be at the heart of a company’s operations, as it encompasses all aspects of the business, from the products and services offered, to the way the business is run.

Ensuring that a company operates sustainably means that it will have a positive impact on the environment, on society, and on the company’s bottom line.

Here are 10 recommendations that can help companies to become more sustainable in their operations:

  1. Optimize supply chains by implementing sustainable sourcing practices, such as sourcing recycled or biodegradable materials, using environmentally friendly shipping methods, and sourcing raw materials and components from suppliers that align with their sustainability goals. Companies should consider the entire lifecycle of the products being sourced.
  2. Invest in clean energy. Companies should transition to using clean energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.
  3. Invest in green finance by funding projects and initiatives that promote sustainability and renewable energy, as well as businesses that operate within a closed-loop system.
  4. Prioritize sustainability in product design and development. Companies should design their products with sustainability in mind, using sustainable materials and minimizing the environmental impact of the production process.
  5. Decarbonize operations. Companies should set targets to reduce their carbon emissions and energy consumption, and adopt practices such as clean transportation and energy efficiency by implementing energy-saving technologies.
  6. Implement circular economy principles. Companies should strive to reuse resources as much as possible, implement recycling and upcycling programs to reduce waste and conserve resources, and encourage customers to recycle or donate products at the end of their lifecycle as well.
  7. Purchase carbon offsets. Companies can offset their carbon emissions and mitigate the impact of emissions that cannot be reduced by purchasing carbon credits from verified emissions reduction projects.
  8. Set sustainability goals, tracking and reporting on progress. Companies should set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) sustainability goals and track and report their progress towards achieving them.
  9. Prioritize environmentally friendly products and services. Offer products and services that have a low carbon footprint and use sustainable materials and production processes.
  10. Obtain sustainability certifications. Companies should seek out certifications that demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, such as B Corp, BREEAM or LEED certifications.

The Importance of Sustainability in Corporate Philosophy

The way a company thinks and operates is just as important as its operations.

A company’s philosophy is a reflection of its values, beliefs, mission, and vision, and ensuring that sustainability is at the forefront of the company’s philosophy means that it will be integrated into all decision-making and will inform the way the company operates.

Here are 10 recommendations that can help companies to embed sustainability into their corporate philosophy:

  1. Appoint a Chief Sustainability Officer to lead the company’s sustainability efforts. This person will ensure that sustainability is at the heart of all decision-making and that the company’s operations are aligned with its sustainability goals.
  2. Adopt Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies. Companies should adopt policies that align with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate change that will help them to manage sustainability risks and to ensure that sustainability is integrated into all business practices.
  3. Foster a culture of sustainability. Companies should create a workplace culture that supports and encourages sustainable practices, and offer training and incentives to employees who embrace sustainability.
  4. Report on sustainability progress regularly. Companies should report regularly on their sustainability performance, including their progress towards achieving their sustainability goals. This will provide stakeholders with an insight into the company’s progress and the impact it is having on the environment and society.
  5. Support useful collaborations and initiatives. Companies should participate in initiatives and collaborations that promote sustainable development and support the renewable transition.
  6. Support human rights. Ensure that all stakeholders’ rights are protected and that the company operates within the bounds of ethical business practices.
  7. Promote employment quality. Invest in training and development programs for employees, offer competitive salaries and benefits, and ensure that workers are treated fairly and with respect.
  8. Create a transparent and deliverable sustainability commitment plan. Companies should develop a clear and measurable plan that outlines their sustainability goals and the steps they will take to achieve them. The plan should evolve with time, reflecting the latest trends and advancements in sustainability.
  9. Develop a sustainable mission statement and vision. A clear mission statement will communicate the company’s commitment to making a positive impact on the environment and society, and will inspire employees to support the company’s sustainability goals.
  10. Embrace Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Invest in initiatives that support the community and the environment and consider the impact of the company’s operations on society.

The Importance of Sustainability in Corporate Media and Communications

The way a company communicates its sustainability efforts is just as important as the efforts themselves.

A sustainability focus in corporate media and communications is important because it helps to build and maintain a company’s reputation as a responsible and environmentally conscious business.

By effectively communicating their sustainability efforts and initiatives, companies can not only demonstrate their commitment to sustainability but also inspire, engage and build trust and credibility with their stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and suppliers, differentiating themselves from their competitors.

Additionally, a sustainability focus in corporate media and communications can also help companies to stay ahead of industry trends, meet regulatory requirements, and ultimately achieve a competitive advantage.

Here are ten recommendations that can help companies to embed sustainability into their corporate communications:

  1. Avoid greenwashing, by ensuring that all sustainability efforts are genuine and deliver tangible results.
  2. Use news, advertising, and marketing campaigns to communicate the company’s sustainability efforts and raise awareness of the importance of sustainability.
  3. Establish a sustainable content strategy: Companies can use their media channels to spread their sustainability message and engage with their audience using eye-catching visuals and videos to explain the importance of sustainability and how the company is contributing to a better future.
  4. Leverage social media: Social media is a powerful tool for companies to communicate with their audience. Use it to share sustainability stories, updates, and initiatives, and partner with influencers in the sustainability community to reach new audiences and promote your sustainability efforts.
  5. Create a sustainability blog: Companies can create a sustainability blog to share their sustainability journey, updates, and stories.
  6. Attend and participate in sustainability events: Showcase your commitment to sustainability and engage with other companies and individuals in the sustainability community.
  7. Create a sustainability report: Companies can create a sustainability report to showcase their sustainability achievements, goals, and initiatives. This report can be used for media, stakeholders, and investors.
  8. Monitor your media coverage: Regularly monitor your media coverage to understand how your sustainability efforts are being perceived by your audience and make improvements where necessary.
  9. Develop a media response plan: Develop a media response plan in case of a sustainability crisis, and make sure all stakeholders are aware of the plan.
  10. Share your sustainability success stories: Share your sustainability success stories with your audience to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and inspire others to follow your lead.

Achieving a Sustainable Future: Why it Matters for Companies, People and the Planet

In 2023 and beyond, companies that prioritize sustainability will be the ones that thrive and lead the way for a sustainable future for all.

It is crucial for companies to recognize the significance of sustainability and environmentalism in their business operations and philosophy, because not only will they be contributing to a greener future for the planet, but they also stand to benefit themselves in a number of ways.

As more and more consumers are becoming environmentally conscious and are more likely to purchase products and services from companies displaying a strong commitment to sustainability, by doing so, companies can improve their reputation, enhance brand image, attract and retain employees and customers, and gain a competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business world.

Companies have a unique opportunity to create a positive impact on the planet and future generations, but it is also essential that companies continuously strive to evolve their sustainability commitment plan as they grow and learn. The time has never been more important for companies to embrace sustainability and incorporate it into all aspects of their business.

The future is now, and it is time for companies to take a bold step forward and make sustainability a priority in all aspects of their operations.

To CEOs and business leaders, it is time to embrace sustainability as a driving force in your company’s operations and philosophy. By placing sustainability at the centre of everything you do, you can drive growth, increase profitability, and enhance your reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking company.

To employees, it is time to use your passion and creativity to drive change from within. By actively engaging in your company’s sustainability efforts, you can make a positive impact on the world, improve the quality of life for yourself and future generations, and work for a company that you are proud of.

In conclusion, by making sustainability and environmentalism priorities, companies are not only playing their part in preserving the planet for future generations, but they are also setting themselves up for success in the long term.

They have a unique opportunity to shape the future and create a positive impact, so let’s take this moment to commit to sustainability and be the change we wish to see in the world.

End of ChatGPT’s article. The next section was entirely written by a human journalist.

How did ChatGPT do?

To begin with, we have to acknowledge that with only a standard level of editing required, ChatGPT was able to produce a coherent, engaging and genuinely insightful piece of writing.

Credit where credit is due.

And as we’ve established, ChatGPT is also able to provide some degree of support in the editing process, reworking parts of the text’s style and sentiment accordingly.

However, when it comes to the novelty and readability of its work, we must remember that this piece was produced after a sizeable amount of priming. In fact, we found that without substantial content and structural guidance, ChatGPT was only able to produce a fairly generic piece of writing that wouldn’t typically constitute an article worth publishing.

For example, when provided with the following prompt alone: “Could you write an article about how businesses can become more sustainable?” with no keywords or guidance, ChatGPT simply opened with one sentence, listed five bullet-pointed ideas about sustainability, and then closed with a similarly short concluding paragraph.

It was more of a memo than a news article.

In the Photo: Screenshot of conversation with ChatGPT. Photo Credit: ChatGPT/OpenAI

What’s more, most of the ideas listed in this generic article were not very novel or specific.

However, when provided with a follow-up prompt asking for more specific and actionable suggestions (i.e., policies and/or certifications), ChatGPT was able to display a deeper knowledge in the area, e.g., recommending the purchase of carbon offsets and obtaining B Corp and green building (LEED) certifications, revealing that with human guidance, the chatbot is able to draw upon up-to-date and verifiable information.

What is also interesting about this largely unprompted piece is that despite having zero external influence, ChatGPT took it upon itself to advocate for corporate sustainability from a lucratively persuasive angle, transcending the potentially over-used altruistic approach by stating that:

“By incorporating these practices, businesses can not only reduce their environmental impact, but also improve their reputation and attract environmentally-conscious customers,” and adding that, “Ultimately, businesses that prioritize sustainability will be well-positioned for success in the coming years.”

By taking this approach, ChatGPT plays to the economic longevity of a business instead of its duty, which possibly stands to inspire action more successfully, and is a standpoint that’s not highlighted enough at present.

A fair bit of human journalistic guidance was required

Now, when ChatGPT was provided with sufficient content and structural guidance (as was given within the prompt that yielded the more thorough first article above),  such as keywords, suggested sections, and a few sources, ChatGPT was able to string together a much more informative piece.

The breadth, context and specificity of the key points included in ChatGPT’s answers is impressive, even if they were briefly, but inertly touched upon in the prompt.

For example, ChatGPT was able to accurately place the incorporation of environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives into a context that created an actionable plan for businesses to follow.

The chatbot was also able to search through the link provided in the prompt that referenced sustainability certifications, making useful suggestions such as obtaining B Corp, BREEAM or LEED certificates.

From the keyword “green finance” that was provided in the prompt, ChatGPT was able to independently draw upon its own knowledge ofclosed-loop” businesses (those that reuse the same materials and create new products from them), encouraging investment in these companies specifically.

“Carbon offsets” was another keyword included in the priming materials, however ChatGPT again took it upon itself to emphasise “verified emissions reduction projects” as the primary source of such offsets; a promising move given that the effectiveness of “phantom” carbon credit initiatives is increasingly being drawn into question.

ChatGPT also repeatedly makes reference to the “full life-cycle” of business operations in the article, displaying an impressive consideration on ensuring that both the upstream and downstream of corporate activities are sustainable as well, recommending that “companies should consider the entire lifecycle of the products being sourced.”

Longevity and adaptability are also highlighted somewhat unprompted in ChatGPT’s answers, as it states (with regard to a sustainability commitment plan) that “the plan should evolve with time, reflecting the latest trends and advancements in sustainability.”

However, there was some evidence of misconception, as ChatGPT did also reference Coca-Cola as one of the big corporations that have demonstrated a noteworthy commitment to sustainability through its pledge to use only renewable energy for all its operations by 2030.

This may be true, but given that the company still remains one of the worst offenders for pumping single-use plastics into the environment, has been widely criticised by many NGOs and activists and accused of greenwashing, ChatGPT’s choice to place Coca-Cola on a noble pedestal in this way is questionable.

However, the vast majority of ChatGPT’s recommendations are in fact all well-aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and climate targets, as was requested in the prompt.

Were any of its suggestions groundbreaking though? No, not really. But at the very least these suggestions serve as helpful starting points to at least push businesses in the right direction.

The “Media and Communications” section was arguably the most novelly insightful section, with the suggestions listed here being largely not based on any of the keywords included in the prompt; this section was pretty much all ChatGPT.

Suggestions such as “create a sustainability blog,” “attend and participate in sustainability events,” and “share your sustainability success stories” are all very helpful ideas that exploit the duality between a business benefitting lucratively, by appealing to the masses through a cause that so many care about, whilst simultaneously raising awareness for climate advocacy amongst consumers in parallel.

It is also worth noting that when asked to rework the sentiment of the article’s closing paragraph to convey to the reader that “all hope is lost,” ChatGPT refused to do so, citing a breach of OpenAI’s content policy that could cause harm. A reassuring refusal to mislead in an online world saturated with climate disinformation and propaganda.

Could ChatGPT replace journalists?

There’s a lot of noise right now, as many are scrambling – including the gatekeeper of the internet, Google – to give a facelift to their professional and market value as the threat posed by AI emerges.

In fact, the competition from ChatGPT has no less than provided Google with a lightning bolt of motivation to catch up; surprise surprise, this week the company released their own chatbot called “Bard” to the public.

Google titled Bard’s press release, “An important next step on our AI journey,” but in reality, we all know what they really mean is: “An existentially essential step-up in our AI journey.”

And it seems that much of the rest of the world feels the same; people feel threatened by change.

As such, ChatGPT is increasingly being banned by many schools, universities, scientific journals and even AI conferences.

Of course, in the wrong hands, ChatGPT does pose a threat to the wellbeing and prosperity of society, but the same can be said for many other tools of modern-day life.

For example, back in the day, librarians surely also kicked up a fuss about the rising popularity of the internet rendering their work and institutions redundant, but they’re still standing, aren’t they?

In fact, the internet probably helps them manage their systems and inventories even better!

Rather than swimming against the current, trying to stand strong against the incoming wave, or blindly butting heads with your competitor, isn’t it perhaps wilier, easier and much more effective to go with the flow, i.e., collaborate?

Microsoft is taking this approach, investing $10 billion in ChatGPT and announcing yesterday the incorporation of the chatbot into their search engine, Bing.

You’ve surely heard it before, but the point remains the same: Rather than a competitor, ChatGPT, as well as all of the other AI breakthroughs to come, should instead be viewed as more of a catalytic collaborator, a tool, and a companion.

This experiment of asking ChatGPT to write an article to help businesses become more sustainable shines a much-needed light on this point.

Yes, ChatGPT has an exceptional and unprecedented ability to construct compelling, coherent and grammatically faultless prose, but the fact that in order to produce novel work worthy of publication, significant input from human beings was needed at all stages, these kinds of results are proven to only be borne from a joint effort between man and machine.

In fact, with human guidance, ChatGPT’s suggestions went from tired ideas like “implement a recycling program,” to more interesting and timely recommendations such as “implement circular economy principles,” “purchase carbon offsets,” and “appoint a Chief Sustainability Officer,” revealing a significant evolution in its suggestions when prompted.

Peter Wright, data scientist at Impakter and an integral member of the team that developed the Sustainability Index, says that “the issue with ChatGPT is that it’s not deterministic, you ask it the same question two or three times and it will give a similar, but not the same answer each time,” which hopefully brings some comfort to consultants who theoretically should be able to provide more consistency of expertise.

It is true, however, that when OpenAI releases GPT4 (the upgraded version of the language model that ChatGPT is trained on, GPT3) the chatbot could become as complex – if not more so – than the human brain, and that’s still very hard to accept or imagine.

It’s also true that this will of course pose an increasing amount of pressure on knowledge and content creation-based professions to level-up, because as ChatGPT continues to learn, it will, over time, inevitably only get better at what it does.

“Jobs will, out of necessity, in the future, move towards integration between AI and humans, where humans are not only valued on their knowledge, but also on their competences in using and ‘guiding’ AI,” says Wright.

This brings us back to ChatGPT’s reassuring words from the beginning of this article:

“Together, humans and AI can achieve greater things.”

So rather than worrying about what the dawn of ChatGPT means for your future as a writer, teacher, coder or consultant in a negative light, perhaps it’s better to start looking at the catalytic capabilities this AI tool could bestow on you and your industry instead.

Don’t be scared, be excited!

First published in Impakter. You can read the article here.

Lauren Richards

Lauren is a research scientist turned writer, currently working as a Journalist at Impakter. As a graduate of Medical Biological Sciences, Lauren’s origins in science have taught her to be forever curious, which is reflected in her love for sharing new concepts, perspectives, and ideas. When not reading/writing about science, culture, art, and everything in between, Lauren can most likely be found in a coffee shop.

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