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SWS: Duterte’s Satisfaction Rating Drops 10 Points

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SWS: Duterte’s Satisfaction Rating Drops 10 Points

Third Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey: Pres. Duterte’s net rating drops 10 points to +52, but still “very good”

by  Social Weather Stations

The Third Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey, conducted from September 12-16, 2021, found 67% of adult Filipinos satisfied, 11% undecided, and 15% dissatisfied with the performance of Rodrigo R. Duterte as President.

Compared to June 2021, gross satisfaction with Pres. Duterte fell by 8 points from 75%, gross undecided fell by 1 point from 12%, and gross dissatisfaction rose by 2 points from 13% [Chart 1, Tables 1 and 2].

This gives a net satisfaction rating of +52 (% satisfied minus % dissatisfied), classified by SWS as very good[1].

This is 10 points below the very good +62 in June 2021 and the lowest since the good +45 in June 2018.

PRRD’s net rating falls to good in all areas except in Mindanao, where it stays excellent

The 10-point decline in President Duterte’s net satisfaction rating from June 2021 to September 2021 was due to decreases in all areas except in Mindanao.

Pres. Duterte’s net satisfaction rating fell from very good to good in Metro Manila, down by 15 points from +63 to +48 [Chart 2, Table 3].

It fell from very good to good in Balance Luzon, down by 14 points from +58 to +44.

It also fell from very good to good in the Visayas, down by 9 points from +53 to +44.

However, it stayed excellent in Mindanao, hardly moving from +79 to +76.

Down in both urban and rural areas

Urban net satisfaction with Pres. Duterte fell from very good to good, down by 16 points from +65 to +49 [Chart 3, Table 4].

Rural net satisfaction stayed very good, although down by 6 points from +61 to +55.

Down but still very good among both men and women

Pres. Duterte’s net satisfaction rating stayed very good among men, although down by 12 points from +65 to +53 [Chart 4, Table 5].

It also stayed very good among women, although down by 9 points from +60 to +51.

Down in all age groups

The President’s net satisfaction rating stayed very good among 18-24-year-olds, but down by 8 points from +66 to +58 [Chart 5, Table 6].

It stayed very good among the 25-34-year-olds, although down by 12 points from +68 to +56.

It stayed very good among the 35-44-year-olds, although down by 15 points from +68 to +53.

It also stayed very good among the 45-54-year-olds, although down by 11 points from +63 to +52.

It fell from very good to good among those 55 years old and older, down by 5 points from +50 to +45.

Down in all educational groups

Pres. Duterte’s net satisfaction rating fell from very good to good among non-elementary school graduates, down by 3 points from +51 to +48 [Chart 6, Table 7].

It fell from very good to good among elementary school graduates, down by 12 points from +56 to +44.

It stayed very good among high school graduates, although down by +66 to +58.

It fell from excellent to very good among college graduates, down by 19 points from +71 to +52.

Net satisfaction with PRRD is lower among Losers and Pessimists

The September 2021 survey found 57% of adult Filipinos saying their quality-of-life got worse (termed by SWS as “Losers”), 13% saying it got better (“Gainers”), and 29% saying it was the same (“Unchanged”), compared to a year ago (“Third Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey: 57% of adult Filipinos got worse off in the past 12 months,” 26 October 2021, www.sws.org.ph).

The survey also found 33% saying their quality-of-life will improve (termed by SWS as “Optimists”), 45% saying it will stay the same (“No Change”), and 7% saying it will worsen (“Pessimists”), in the next 12 months (“Third Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey: 33% of adult Filipinos say their Quality-of-Life will improve in the next 12 months,” 27 October 2021, www.sws.org.ph).

Pres. Duterte’s net satisfaction rating is lower among Losers (good +46) than among the Unchanged (very good +57) and Gainers (very good +65) [Chart 7].

It is also lower among Pessimists (good +36) than among the No Change (very good +56) and Optimists (very good +55).

Survey background

The Third Quarter 2021 Social Weather Survey was conducted from September 12 to 16, 2021, using face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults (18 years old and above) nationwide: 300 each in Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao. Face-to-face is the standard interviewing method for Social Weather Stations; the only exceptions were early in the pandemic when movement restrictions made face-to-face impossible and mobile phone interviews were conducted. Normal face-to-face field operations resumed in November 2020. The sampling error margins are ±3% for national percentages and ±6% for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao.

The area estimates were weighted by the Philippine Statistics Authority medium-population projections for 2021 to obtain the national estimates.

The survey items reported here were non-commissioned. They were done on SWS’s own initiative and released as a public service.

The exact phrasing of the survey questions (the source language is Filipino; English translation included) was:

“Maaari po bang pakisabi ninyo kung gaano kayo nasisiyahan o hindi nasisiyahan sa pagganap ng tungkulin ni RODRIGO DUTERTE bilang Presidente ng Pilipinas. Kayo ba ay lubos na nasisiyahan, medyo nasisiyahan, hindi tiyak kung nasisiyahan o hindi, medyo hindi nasisiyahan, lubos na hindi nasisiyahan, o wala pa kayong narinig o nabasa kahit na kailan tungkol kay RODRIGO DUTERTE? [Please tell me how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the performance of RODRIGO DUTERTE as President of the Philippines. Are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, undecided if satisfied or dissatisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, very dissatisfied, or you have not ever heard or read anything about RODRIGO DUTERTE?]”

SWS terminology for Net Satisfaction Ratings: +70 and above, “excellent”; +50 to +69, “very good”; +30 to +49, “good”; +10 to +29, “moderate”, +9 to –9, “neutral”; –10 to –29, “poor”; –30 to –49, “bad”; –50 to –69, “very bad”; –70 and below, “execrable.” SWS considers the movement from one classification to another as either an “upgrade” or “downgrade.”

SWS employs its own staff for questionnaire design, sampling, fieldwork, data processing, and analysis, and does not outsource any of its survey operations. This report was prepared by Leo S. Laroza.

[1] The SWS terminology for Net Satisfaction Ratings: +70 and above, "excellent"; +50 to +69, "very good"; +30 to +49, "good"; +10 to +29, "moderate", +9 to -9, "neutral"; -10 to -29, "poor"; -30 to -49, "bad"; -50 to -69, "very bad"; -70 and below, "execrable".

Chart 1

Table 1

Table 2

Chart 2

Table 3

Chart 3

Table 4

Chart 4

Table 4

Chart 5

Table 6

Chart 6

Table 7

Chart 7

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