, January 13, 2025

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There is a Visitor in the House

  •   1 min read
There is a Visitor in the House
by Vincent R. Pozon

this morning and the mornings before that he sat
across me at the other end of the breakfast table
he sat coffeed before me
he sat as the head of the household would
and he smiled

and he will not be unseen and unheard
he has wedged his shoe between my bounding out of bed
and my day

threatening largeness  
threatening to loom
and own days left of life and many

there is a visitor in the house and he is covid

we sleep to his threats
he wants no part of our dreams
what pleases us
our childhood traces
he wants to be nightmare in broad daylight
ensconced on altars
discussed and praised on legacy and social media
nightmare and news from february to forever

and mornings after that

i duck into nights and under sheets
wanting under longer
wanting to delay waking up to him
seeing him sitting across me
at the other end of the breakfast table
coffeed before me

There is a visitor in the house and he is covid
and i am glad i have a god

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