, January 16, 2025

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Today’s Exactly100: A Ceasefire for a Genocide, He Proposes

  •   1 min read
Today’s Exactly100: A Ceasefire for a Genocide, He Proposes
Wasfi Akab via Flickr

"It's time for this war to end," the American president said of a conflict that has irrigated the land with the blood of forty thousand, mostly women and children. "It must end", for six hours, his words wafting over rubble, drifting through hospitals now only morgues, whispering through schools where the children lie beneath instead of learning in, whirling through evacuation camps now evacuated by bombs. "It's time to end this war," the arms dealer pled, gripping the lectern while talking about a country he denies exists; just grounds now holy.

And the man who drops his bombs says "nah". /Vincent R. Pozon

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