, December 06, 2024

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Today's Exactly100: Art & the World, From the Eye of the Poet

  •   1 min read
Today's Exactly100: Art & the World, From the Eye of the Poet

The world, of course, is the only source of art. Nothing else. The poet has to make good use of his art to reflect upon the world. He has a lot of devices at his disposal: the many forms of poetry, such as fixed or free or long forms, e.g., the sonnet, the “free verse”, or the epic. “Free” is in quotation marks because no verse is actually free. When words are used in poetry, they have their own rhythm. Like breathing itself. Inhale, exhale. One can become like Shakespeare (as in a sonnet), or  Homer (as in an epic). /Marne L. Kilates

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