, November 08, 2024

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Today’s Exactly100: Assassinations -- “It’s Not Who We Are, It’s Just What We Do”

  •   1 min read
Today’s Exactly100: Assassinations -- “It’s Not Who We Are, It’s Just What We Do”

Trump dodges a bullet by a millimeter. Enter Biden with a quotable quote: "This is not who we are as a nation." 

Let's pause for a fact-check. 

Four presidents have been assassinated: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy. Grazing the list: Reagan, Roosevelt, and Trump. 

15.22% of U.S. presidents have either been assassinated or injured in attempts.

Also very American: the weapon of choice was a firearm. 

Wikipedia provides an impressive list of assassination attempts or plots against 15 US presidents. The deaths of Taylor and Harding are "rumored to have been assassinations".

Not who you are as a nation? Sus. /Vincent R. Pozon

Wikiwand - List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots
Assassination attempts and plots on the president of the United States have been numerous, ranging from the early 19th century to the 2020s. On January 30, 1835, Andrew Jackson was the first president to experience an assassination attempt when Richard Lawrence twice tried to shoot him in the East Portico of the Capitol after Jackson left a funeral held in the House of Representatives Chamber. The attempt failed when both of Lawrence’s pistols misfired.

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