, October 22, 2024

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Today’s Exactly100: Fragile Alliances

  •   1 min read
Today’s Exactly100: Fragile Alliances
Image by Alexa via Pixabay

Two sides in a coalition, arrive at the battlefield, with family and friends, with buntings, songs, pastors and priests – and butt heads. Both flanks have mustered rallies in no time – and on the same day. Claws are unsheathed, tongues unhindered; threats and insults in all three major languages, have been uttered, the sort that cannot be unsaid. The lines drawn are not scratches but fissures. Up to 71% of the population is experiencing hunger, but congress has cha-cha on their minds. We pray the body politic is not harmed.

Devoid of shared principles, or ideology, a coalition's bindings loosen swiftly. /Vincent R. Pozon

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