, December 04, 2024

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Today's Exactly100: There is Only One Way to Solve the Palestine Problem

  •   1 min read
Today's Exactly100: There is Only One Way to Solve the Palestine Problem
Screen capture from Avengers: Endgame

The two-state partitioning of Palestine is no longer considered feasible by any of the parties on land or off, participant or meddling. There is a solution, and only one. It does not require carpet bombing one race out of existence. It has been done, successfully and peacefully.

It will require a confluence of internal and external pressures, a recognition of the unsustainable nature of the status quo, a willingness to negotiate a new future, and a Mandela and a De Klerk to make it happen.

Call it the South African Solution. The occupying force surrenders power to the indigenous. /Vincent R. Pozon

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