, July 26, 2024

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Wilwayco's Way

  •   2 min reads
Wilwayco's Way

As one of the country's leading abstract artists, Wilwayco's works exude a dynamic unity between the essence of both music and painting.

Leon Gallery International from 3:30 to 8:00pm on September 18, 2021 for Magnificat Opus 2's opening.
In compliance with IATF's guidelines, we will only be entertaining a limited number of guests. Health and safety checks will be made at the door.

by Josephine Fatima Martins

Magnificat Opus 2 is a particular suite of paintings derived from Edwin Wilwayco’s Magnificat Opus series, an abstracted visual interpretation of Johann Sebastian ( J.S.) Bach’s Baroque musical composition (ca.1723) relating the Biblical canticle, Song of Mary, commonly known as the Magnificat.

These abstract compositions are a contemporary alternative
to traditional realist representations. With Opus 2, Wilwayco has hit another level, creating the possibility for an innovative baroque-abstraction. This new manner is an intellectual and technical amalgamation that takes the stylistic characteristics of Renaissance and Baroque modes - dominated by reworked underpainting and layering, and abundant dramatic form - to combine them with the nonfigurative principles of abstraction. The elimination of pictorial realism, iconography, rationality, and absolutism, allows for color, texture, and line to be the principle voice. The manner in which the paint is applied holds an allusion to musical movement.

With Opus 2, Wilwayco makes active an important aspect of the Magnificat : these painted compositions function as a focal visual source for daily meditation, encouraging both liturgical and personal considerations. They suggest bold humanist ideas that liberate the viewer to achieve individualized spiritual exaltation.

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