, December 06, 2024

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Today's Exactly100: "Look, up in the sky! It’s… SuperDonald!”

  •   1 min read
Today's Exactly100: "Look, up in the sky! It’s… SuperDonald!”
Artwork by Tim Reckmann CC-BY-NC 2.0

Governance is designed with checks and balances. While the president wields considerable authority, he cannot act unilaterally. The legislative and judiciary branches are there to defend the public, step in if the executive overreaches, misuses power.

Well, that's what's on paper, that's bunk.

With Duterte, we've seen congress and the courts complicit, or feigning blindness.

Now, imagine a Donald Trump equipped with a popular vote mandate, protected with immunity, with the senate and congress and the Supreme Court under his heel. The president of the United States—the most powerful person in the world—has just become even more powerful./Vincent R. Pozon

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