, July 26, 2024

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Today's Exactly100: Grumbling About Ads?

  •   1 min read
Today's Exactly100: Grumbling About Ads?
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

Decades ago, cable companies promised and provided content with no advertising, distinguishing them from terrestrial TV. Today, when you subscribe to cable, you watch ads. Recently, Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime have decided to allow sponsors.

Advertising is the business template that works best, but more important is the larger picture. Beyond being the engine of commerce, advertising is conversations between people and parties. It is the ability to move and convince, sell ideas and products, let known the sentiments of people. Like conversations, ads can irritate. But the stream of conversations is crucial to the vitality of the country. /Vincent R. Pozon

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