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The Our Brew Articles You Loved Most this Year

  •   14 min reads
The Our Brew Articles You Loved Most this Year

Everybody is putting out a "most-read" list of articles, so we thought we should, too. It has been a year full of drama; we are witness to the pains wrought by a pandemic and the surprises and tumults of an election that is really quite like no other.

Here is a dip into  the turbulent year of 2022. Enjoy, learn from the past, or skip what you don't want to relive.

Danny Javier: Conjurer of Everyday Tales and Good Vibes

Pop music can be generally shallow, bordering on nonsense. But with Danny Javier, observant pop swerved in the other direction, playfully dangerous or dangerously playful

By Joey Salgado

Danny Javier: Conjurer of Everyday Tales and Good Vibes
Pop music can be generally shallow, bordering on nonsense. But with Danny Javier, observant pop swerved in the other direction, playfully dangerous or dangerously playful

Thank you, Bongbong — You Woke Them Up

A few noisy activists can be a stone in your shoe. Imagine 15 million angry and eager for change, 15 million adept at communications, brighter, richer, more mobile, with social media accounts and devices as megaphones for their thoughts and grumblings.

By Vincent R. Pozon

Thank you, Bongbong — You Woke Them Up
A few noisy activists can be a stone in your shoe. Imagine 15 million angry and eager for change, 15 million adept at communications, brighter, richer, more mobile, with social media accounts and devices as megaphones for their thoughts and grumblings.


WARNING: This article will have you sniveling and bawling alternately.

By Vincent R. Pozon

WARNING: This article will have you sniveling and bawling alternately.

In the Battle of Narratives, Class Divides are Showing

As we get closer to election day, the Robredo campaign might need to rethink its narrative. Rallies matter, but are they enough?

By Katrina Stuart Santiago

In the Battle of Narratives, Class Divides are Showing
As we get closer to election day, the Robredo campaign might need to rethink its narrative. Rallies matter, but are they enough?

Holiday Gifts for the Vinyl Lover

If you still haven’t found a Christmas gift for your vinyl-loving friend or family member, we’ve listed down some recent releases for you to consider.

By Joey Salgado

Holiday Gifts for the Vinyl Lover
If you still haven’t found a Christmas gift for your vinyl-loving friend or family member, we’ve listed down some recent releases for you to consider.

Stop Calling Him BBM!

Now, let’s put ‘Bongbong Marcos’ in a conceptual framework, ‘Bongbong’ implies lovable, cute, youth. ‘Marcos’ signifies treachery, thievery, torture. Put those words together and you have the prince of darkness.

By Romeo D. Bohol

Stop Calling Him BBM!
Now, let’s put ‘Bongbong Marcos’ in a conceptual framework, ‘Bongbong’ implies lovable, cute, youth. ‘Marcos’ signifies treachery, thievery, torture. Put those words together and you have the prince of darkness.

A TV Ad that Emboldens the Poor

"Today, with a smile on his face, the poor man can go up to the counter and ask for medicine he can afford. He can even sing it."

By Vincent R. Pozon

A TV Ad that Emboldens the Poor
“Today, with a smile on his face, the poor man can go up to the counter and ask for medicine he can afford. He can even sing it.”

Dear Miss Kim Chiu

“Ano ang mas maingay sa gabi? Letter A, Pusang may kaharutan sa bubong…” Then you remarked, ” Nakakainis yun ‘no? Yung gusto mong sabuyan ng mainit na tubig kasi ang ingay.”

By Desiree Carlos

Dear Miss Kim Chiu
“Ano ang mas maingay sa gabi? Letter A, Pusang may kaharutan sa bubong…” Then you remarked, ” Nakakainis yun ’no? Yung gusto mong sabuyan ng mainit na tubig kasi ang ingay.”

Is There Enough Time? Can Leni Do a Binay?

Pundits, campaign experts, and even the camp of Vice President Robredo have pointed to Jojo Binay’s 2010 win as proof that a last-minute surge was possible. The signs are encouraging. But here’s a reality check.

By Joey Salgado

Is There Enough Time? Can Leni Do a Binay?
Pundits, campaign experts, and even the camp of Vice President Robredo have pointed to Jojo Binay’s 2010 win as proof that a last-minute surge was possible. The signs are encouraging. But here’s a reality check

San Miguel Beer "Isang Platitong Mani"

"Ay, ang sarap ng buhay ng director noong panahon na yon," Jun Urbano mused.

By Vincent R. Pozon

San Miguel Beer “Isang Platitong Mani”
“Ay, ang sarap ng buhay ng director noong panahon na yon,” Jun Urbano mused.

Bongbong's Big Lie and the Big Truth of EDSA

When Ferdinand Marcos ran for president, his slogan was “This nation can be great again.” (Oh, yes. Long before Donald Trump’s MAGA.) Ten years into his dictatorship, we were the “Sick man of Asia.”

By Romeo D. Bohol

Bongbong’s Big Lie and the Big Truth of EDSA
When Ferdinand Marcos ran for president, his slogan was “This nation can be great again.” (Oh, yes. Long before Donald Trump’s MAGA.) Ten years into his dictatorship, we were the “Sick man of Asia.”

Rereading History: Why Magellan Picked a Fight with Lapulapu

‘Why would Magellan hold off for five more months the last and shortest leg of his voyage to the Spice Islands just to punish a tribe that refused to be converted to Catholicism?’

By Romeo D. Bohol

Rereading History: Why Magellan Picked a Fight with Lapulapu
‘Why would Magellan hold off for five more months the last and shortest leg of his voyage to the Spice Islands just to punish a tribe that refused to be converted to Catholicism?’

The Marcos Restoration: A National Shame

Hadn’t the revolution promised so much and given very little? Don’t we have the same unresponsive government? The same patronage system? The widespread corruption in all levels of the government? The continuing plunder of taxpayer money?

By Jing Montealegre

The Marcos Restoration: A National Shame
Hadn’t the revolution promised so much and given very little? Don’t we have the same unresponsive government? The same patronage system? The widespread corruption in all levels of the government? The continuing plunder of taxpayer money?

Quality Survives the Quarantine

"What pandemic? We beat our highest pre-Covid sales figures with less branches open."

By Vincent R. Pozon

Quality Survives the Quarantine
“What pandemic? We beat our highest pre-Covid sales figures with less branches open.”

"What Happened to All the Promises, Mr. President?"

"Duterte started his six-year presidency boasting that he was a socialist and nationalist, promising that he would put an end to mining, and blaming the World Trade Organization for the ills of Philippine agriculture. Instead, he has achieved exactly the opposite. "

By Walden Bello

“What Happened to All the Promises, Mr. President?”
“Duterte started his six-year presidency boasting that he was a socialist and nationalist, promising that he would put an end to mining, and blaming the World Trade Organization for the ills of Philippine agriculture. Instead, he has achieved exactly the opposite. ”


Marcos bankrupted the Central Bank; it had to be dissolved and replaced by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

By Boo Chanco

Marcos bankrupted the Central Bank; it had to be dissolved and replaced by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Tributes Pour on the Passing of Bienvenido Lumbera, National Artist for Literature

Bienvenido Lumbera, National Artist for Literature, and longtime professor at the University of the Philippines in Diliman.

By Marne Kilates

Tributes Pour on the Passing of Bienvenido Lumbera, National Artist for Literature
Bienvenido Lumbera, National Artist for Literature, and longtime professor at the University of the Philippines in Diliman

Putting Surveys back on the Pedestal

"YOU WOULD THINK THE EDUCATED would have respect for research. Anybody who needs to sell anything depends on the reliability of the dipstick. We rely on its precision for everything else in our lives, why not during elections?"

By Vincent R. Pozon

Putting Surveys back on the Pedestal
“YOU WOULD THINK THE EDUCATED would have respect for research. Anybody who needs to sell anything depends on the reliability of the dipstick. We rely on its precision for everything else in our lives, why not during elections?”

Dong Abay’s “Flipino” is OPM Gold

In “Flipino,” there is a newfound grace and subtlety in Dong Abay’s songwriting. Not a mellowing but an incipient lightness of spirit. The songs still hit you hard, but it’s like being hit by a velvet-covered hammer.

By Joey Salgado

Dong Abay’s “Flipino” is OPM Gold
In “Flipino,” there is a newfound grace and subtlety in Dong Abay’s songwriting. Not a mellowing but an incipient lightness of spirit. The songs still hit you hard, but it’s like being hit by a velvet-covered hammer.

Can Someone Point this Old Guy to the Revolution?

We have less than three months before the calendar reverts to Year Zero. The battle will be uphill, but not hopeless. Hope springs eternal even to those who have lost the spring in their steps.

By Joey Salgado

Can Someone Point this Old Guy to the Revolution?
We have less than three months before the calendar reverts to Year Zero. The battle will be uphill, but not hopeless. Hope springs eternal even to those who have lost the spring in their steps

‘A New Message of Hope Against an Old, Recycled Cynicism’

Even though she lost, Robredo was able to generate over 15 million votes. She was able to organise the biggest mobilisations I’ve seen since the fall of the dictatorship.

By Ronald Llamas

‘A New Message of Hope Against an Old, Recycled Cynicism’
Even though she lost, Robredo was able to generate over 15 million votes. She was able to organise the biggest mobilisations I’ve seen since the fall of the dictatorship

2021: The Year of OPM on Vinyl

The friendly prices help make classic albums accessible to a wider, younger market who are just starting their OPM collection. Still, record collecting is more than just shiny new objects.

By Joey Salgado

2021: The Year of OPM on Vinyl
The friendly prices help make classic albums accessible to a wider, younger market who are just starting their OPM collection. Still, record collecting is more than just shiny new objects

Sore Winners: Or Why, After the Elections, It is Still Toxic

Here is a plausible reason why, after a resounding victory, after a landslide, the conversation on social media is still vicious.

By Vincent R. Pozon

Sore Winners: Or Why, After the Elections, It is Still Toxic
Here is a plausible reason why, after a resounding victory, after a landslide, the conversation on social media is still vicious.

The Jerks Live!: Songs as Chronicles of Protest in Uncertain Times

These are songs as memories, as historical notes. The album is a political treatise on the promise and failings of the EDSA Revolution, compressed to three-minute songs.

By Joey Salgado

The Jerks Live!: Songs as Chronicles of Protest in Uncertain Times
These are songs as memories, as historical notes. The album is a political treatise on the promise and failings of the EDSA Revolution, compressed to three-minute songs

Virgina Moreno, Preternatural Poet-priestess of Philippine Art, 98

JUST right after the halfway mark of the ghost month (for the Chinese and everyone else), we’re continuing to slide into sorrow as the pandemic brings more bad news.

By Marne Kilates

Virgina Moreno, Preternatural Poet-priestess of Philippine Art, 98
JUST right after the halfway mark of the ghost month (for the Chinese and everyone else), we’re continuing to slide into sorrow as the pandemic brings more bad news.

Despite Huge Victory, Bongbong Underwhelms

A Philippine commentator described Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr’s victory as overwhelming. This is apt based on the current vote count.

By Ronald D Holmes

Despite Huge Victory, Bongbong Underwhelms
A Philippine commentator described Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr’s victory as overwhelming. This is apt based on the current vote count.

The Victory of School Year 2020-2021

"If anyone else were secretary, schools would still be closed. Which is the easy path, batikos-free."

By Professor Emeritus Leonor Magtolis Briones

The Victory of School Year 2020-2021
“If anyone else were secretary, schools would still be closed. Which is the easy path, batikos-free.”

My Martial Law Story

All this, of course, has a lot to do with memory, the favorite topic of fictionists and poets, and maybe not so much activists. But I guess we were activists in one form or another during these martial law years.

By Marne Kilates

My Martial Law Story
All this, of course, has a lot to do with memory, the favorite topic of fictionists and poets, and maybe not so much activists. But I guess we were activists in one form or another during these martial law years.

The Barricades of España

These are the events that reporters live for. The revolution was the biggest story of our lives. Heck, it was the story of the century. We didn’t want to miss out. In journalese, ayaw ma-iskupan.

By Joey Salgado

The Barricades of España
These are the events that reporters live for. The revolution was the biggest story of our lives. Heck, it was the story of the century. We didn’t want to miss out. In journalese, ayaw ma-iskupan.

Open Letter on The Aswang Project Controversy

"This story is hard to write, given the pain in the Filipino/a/x community right now... I will try my best to write with empathy for everyone involved, from my lived experience as mixed race Fil-Am, a cis woman, and a Philippine content creator."

By Christina Newhard

Open Letter on The Aswang Project Controversy
“This story is hard to write, given the pain in the Filipino/a/x community right now... I will try my best to write with empathy for everyone involved, from my lived experience as mixed race Fil-Am, a cis woman, and a Philippine content creator.”

Good Vs Evil? It’s Not That Simple

For a campaign that anchors itself on love, there is so much hate hurled at critics and those whose views are different. What VP Leni’s supporters need to understand is that this is alienating their candidate further from the votes she badly needs.

By Leslie Anne Umaly

Good Vs Evil? It’s Not That Simple
For a campaign that anchors itself on love, there is so much hate hurled at critics and those whose views are different. What VP Leni’s supporters need to understand is that this is alienating their candidate further from the votes she badly needs.

Revisiting The ‘We Forum’ Raid, Martial Law and the Marcos War Record

On December 7, 1982, the Metropolitan Command Intelligence Service Group (MISG) on orders of President Ferdinand Marcos, raided the offices and printing plant of WE Forum, which had been most critical of the dictatorship.

By Martial Law Chronicles Project

Revisiting The ‘We Forum’ Raid, Martial Law and the Marcos War Record
On December 7, 1982, the Metropolitan Command Intelligence Service Group (MISG) on orders of President Ferdinand Marcos, raided the offices and printing plant of WE Forum, which had been most critical of the dictatorship.

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